Sunday, June 9, 2013

Where "shooting the sh%#" takes on a whole different meaning

8 June 2013

            To start off our first weekend in Bloemfontein, Jaclyn and I attended the WildsKOSfees. The ticket cost $25 and gave you access to eat and drink a smorgasbord of South African wild game and wine. That’s the definition of heaven for hunting enthusiast and meat lovers around the world! It was incredible. There were over 240 dishes of meat, including blesbok, eland, red hartebeest, black and blue wildebeest, springbok, warthog, crocodile, gemsbok, and kudu (my all time favorite meat in the world!). The event was held on a farm about 30 minutes from the university. We arrived at 11am and were given our own wine tasting glass as we walked on to the grounds. There was also live music (they played Neil Diamond’s “Sweet Caroline” and Johnny Cash’s “Walk the Line”), horseback riding, tractor-pulled wagon rides, and a favorite past time of South African farmers where you had a competition to see who could spit a pellet of kudu droppings the farthest. Can you say AWESOME?!!!!  We stayed until 6:30pm when our stomachs were just about to explode and the wine ran out.

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